Sunday, April 11, 2010

People are Cretins

Animal refuses to identify himself with humans because from what he has seen in Khaufpur, that the Kampani have made no effort to clean out the factory nor clean up the town nor compensate the people for all that they lost on that night, and also because of the way he has been treated because he does not walk upright like other people, he has decided that people are cretins. Therefore he runs scams on them because " it's all they deserve." However, we know that animal does not hate all humans because he feels that Ma Franci has been like a mother to him and loves her dearly even though her mental stability seems to be leaving her more each day. Thus, I believe it is more that he is so hurt by the conditions in this world, a world that would leave him looking in a way that incited ridicule or pity, that he identifies himself with the world of animals, his dog Jara has been his most loyal companion. However things begin to change for animal as soon as he meets Nisha, who refuses to pity him and welcomes him to her home refusing to buy his whole I'm an Animal bit. This human kindness is striking to animal for rarely does he see it, mostly because he refuses to because he has become so jaded, and so he does not take her offer most likely because he does not believe it is genuine. However, when Nisha comes hunting him down when he doesn't arrive and animal finally admits this time it was impossible for him to say no because "from the first she took me exactly as I was(22)." This is when Animal's transformation begins.

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