Thursday, January 28, 2010


The main difference I have noticed from the book (Q & A) and the movie (Slumdog Millionaire) is the way that Ram aka Jamal is interviewed. In the movie Jamal tells his story, part of it anyway, to a police officer. One would think that after holding out on endless torture Jamal would be hesistant to talk. He does so anyway and I think that whole scenario is truly unbelievable.
In the book, however, Ram confides in a lawyer, behind closed doors, and at his own pace. Ram takes his time telling the story in order of the questions that he is asked rather than a linear story of his life like in the movie. This scenario is a little more believable for me because the stories that Ram tells are fairly out-of-this- world in that it truly is the luckiest case of coincidence that I have ever encountered and a police officer would have a hard time taking him seriously. A lawyer on the other hand would have to take him serious because she has to make a case out of his testimony.
Although the movie has a less believable method of interrogation, I think it does a better job at portraying the story because it is more chronological as well as less dramatic as far as all the sexual content and situations that Ram tends to be around.

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